16th European Congress for Body Psychotherapy- Berlin – Germany.The organic roots of sense of security: the use of body contact in psychotherapy: Workshop

The Dr. Alessandra Giovagnoli will lead the workshop The Organic roots of the sense of security: the use of body contact in psychoterapy at the 16th European Congress for Body Psychotherapy  Body Psychotherapy and the callenges of today.

The organic roots of the sense of security: the use of body contact in psychotherapy.

Body contact can be considered an effective tool of psychotherapy.

In cases of trauma, talking cure is significant but not sufficient to modify the automatic physiological and hormonal response of the body, which remains hypervigilant or collapsed, as if living in a state of constant threat.

The contact, understood as a bottom-up way to repair the lacking sense of security, modulates the arousal level of the central nervous system, favouring the perception of one’s body as “safe base”.

Participants will be able to give and receive contact and to experience the emotion of “feeling at home” in their own body.



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